Family of Geniuses book

This is one of my prized possessions. Being a HUGE Wes Anderson fan since the beginning (I literally had the Rushmore and Bottle Rocket DVDs playing on repeat constantly in grad school), I was really stoked when The Royal Tenenbaums came out in 2001. My older brother, who introduced me to so many great film directors, was equally as excited. We both drove in our cars to different cities so that we could catch it in theaters on opening weekend (him to NYC from Nashville and me to Atlanta from Savannah). The movie was great and so was living during a time when you had to make treks to enjoy something you love. I’ll forever be in the seat of a movie theater for any movie I am genuinely excited about.

At the time, eBay was fairly new (it was created in 1995). After the movie was made, we somehow found out that the props from the movie were being sold on the site. Being young and having no money, we couldn’t really afford some of the bigger set props, but somehow my brother won this Family of Geniuses book and a crew t-shirt. It was insane. I’m going to guess the book went for maybe a couple hundred dollars. I always told him if he wanted to get rid of it, he had to sell it to me and never anyone else. I got lucky a few years back and he passed it along to me!

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